Hey, so you want to get hagrid on a page in your Shopify store. Great! Inside secret: we have built a couple of amazing Shopify Apps, and love Shopify!

Here are the quick steps:

  1. Go to Online Store -> Theme-> Customise

  1. Add a section and choose “Custom HTML”. Click on the “Custom HTML” block to edit the HTML.

  1. In the HTML block first copy and paste this line:

<aside> 💡 <div class="hagrid"></div>


  1. Get the code snippet from the hagrid set up instructions page: https://dashboard.hagrid.io/settings/setup-instructions It will look something like this, and it will be unique to your hagrid account. Paste it in the HTML block below the <div> you pasted in the previous step.

    hagrid - Snippet.jpg

  2. The block will look something like the image below, and once you click save the widget will be live on the page.

That's it!You now have the hagrid widget on your store.

If you have any questions, mail us at [email protected]

Pro Tip

Move around the block, and position it in any template page, so to have the widget show up wherever you need it. The widget will have questions that are unique to each page URL, so you can have one for each of your products.


  1. Editing your Shopify Theme