Hey, so you want to get hagrid on your Carrd page. Great!
You just need to embed an inline code snippet. Here are the steps.
Get the code snippet from the hagrid set up instructions page: https://dashboard.hagrid.io/settings/setup-instructions It will look something like this, and it will be unique to your hagrid account.
In your Carrd Editor insert and Embed
from the menu, in the place on the page where you would like the hagrid widget to be.
Chose the embed type as Code
In the content box for the code embed, add the snippet from the hagrid setup.
Below the snippet add this line.
<aside> 💡
<div class="hagrid"></div>
That's it!
You now have the hagrid widget on your webpage.
Do note that these instructions require you to be on a paid Carrd plan.
If you have any questions, mail us at [email protected]