Hey, so you want to get hagrid on a page in your website. Great! And you just want to do it with a couple of minutes on your page code? We've got you covered.

Here are the quick steps:

  1. Get the code snippet from the hagrid set up instructions page: https://dashboard.hagrid.io/settings/setup-instructions It will look something like this, and it will be unique to your hagrid account.

    hagrid - Snippet.jpg

  2. Add it to the <head> section of your webpage.

  1. Add a <div> with class="hagrid" to your page, where you would like to have the hagrid widget. Just copy this:

<aside> 💡 <div class="hagrid"></div>


That's it!You now have the hagrid widget on your webpage.

If you have any questions, mail us at [email protected]

Pro Tip

hagrid can be added to as many pages as you like. The widget will know which page it is on (unique by URL) and only display questions and answers from that page.